July 08, 2008

a love thing

Researching my previous home work about L.O.V.E, I find it pretty interesting how people commenting on how they look at love.

I made this a topic and in short time, people started to comment on the topic. Most of the people are not agree with the statement I issued in the topic. The statement was "CINTA ITU NGGA PENTING". I posted this topic through a mailing list, text message, and messenger. It's so peculiar how people are interested in common things like this. Well, it might be common, but personally I think it's a crucial things in life. Don't you agree? 

Cinta itu datang dan pergi. Yang abadi mungkin cuma cinta dari orang tua yang ngga bersyarat (tapi anak2nya jarang bisa ngertiin ini - and I am one of those kids - dan malah nganggep ortunya bawel...sigh! jadi curhat gini sih) dan cinta dari Yang Di Atas sendiri. Iya ga sih? Kalo yang lain kayaknya masih bisa di bull shit-in gitu. Hahaha. Ini sih opini gue pribadi. Kan orang bisa berpandangan berbeda. Hoho.

Ya, terserahlah orang mau ngomong apa tentang cinta, ngga bayar koq. Lagian, apa yang udah lo percaya, jangan sampe mengubah pandangan lo tentang cinta. Coz what comes from the heart, that's the best. (atau begitulah teorinya...hihihihi)



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