February 20, 2009


Tell me if you know the trick to make yourself useful.

I've been having a reckless day. If a friend had clouds hanging on her head yesterday, today is my turn. I got clouds all over my head, surviving in the corner of my thoughts. Shoot!

Another unfriendly thoughts been jerking around my head. I am useless. I cannot make myself heard. I cannot make myself believe that I am really something. These kinds of thoughts will definitely drown me to the bottom. I have to find away to run from those things.

Today has been a tricky day to me. Too many tricks. Just too many bullshit. This and that. I don't really know what I'm thinking about. Blame me! I don't care. Don't bother, cause I don't even know what I'm bitching about. I just don't have the balance inside me now. Just go away, for a while now.

But stay close to me. I need somebody to stop me from being lost.

doesn't need more tricks,


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