October 06, 2008


Today I said: I live my life. And people can only judge.

And I think it's true. Sometimes, people only sees you from the outside. They don't know what exactly you're feeling inside. They don't know what's inside you. How you think and how you run your life. All they know is: you're not good enough and you're bad! 

Ngga usah jauh-jauh. Gue sendiri juga pernah nge-post satu tulisan dimana ada sarkasme terhadap sesama kaum hawa. Gue sadar itu hanya sudut pandang gue aja. I don't really know them. I know nothing about them actually. I just like making judgement. Just like everyone does too.

That's exactly how I feel right now. I feel like I'm being judged, but sadly they don't really know how I live my life. Not even close. Yah, tapi mo gimana lagi. 

When you don't know me, you'll never see me as good. Not even close to good enough. 

know me before you judge me,


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