Thank yous (a lot of thank you)
I am lucky to have all of you.
Feeling lucky has been part of my life all along. Though sometimes I might feel desperate in making decisions. Typical of a south personality. Ha! Now I know why I take sometimes in deciding.
Now that I'm talking about feeling lucky. I have experiencing fortune in my life. I have been given chances to make my dreams come true. I always wanted to live in a better world. Recently I find out that it is possible through friendship (got it from CISV). But before making my dreams come true, I was in dilemma. Taking this chances could possibly mean sacrifices. I don't feel ready for that. Been planning for few trips, and I will have to skip them to reach my dreams.
I am grateful for everything. God always gives me good paths. He introduced me to many good people. People who could only be angels to make my dreams come true. In my low times of dilemma, God has shown me who my true friends really are, family who truly love me and true mentors.
I could have lost my friendship with these two girls, my power puff best friends. I made Bubbles join this trip to Jogja long before I know that I would be given this chances to Sweden. This is one of my dilemma. If I decided to go, then I will have to skip my schedule with my friends. Coz in that particular dates, I have a National training. Oh, what a coinsidence. As a true South person, I don't want to sacrifice anything (if possible). But ofcourse, it is impossible. I feel like a betrayer. I forced my friend to go, but now I'm the one who can make it happen. What makes me feel very lucky is this: instead of being mad, they assured me to take my chances. Coz they think that is what's best for me. We could plan another trip and sure it would be so much fun. I am grateful.
I want to say thank you for all of YOU who has made me make my decision. My FRIENDS, my bosses, my Mom & family, my Pappoo, and everyone. Thank you for having faiths in me. I am opening my eyes to the world. I am truthfuly grateful for many supports, guidances, and giving me freedom to make choices. I am very lucky to have known you.
And now I'm hoping that everything will be alright. I know this is not going to be easy or smooth, but I can make my very best effort to make things work. Oh, God please help me.
many thank yous,
Feeling lucky has been part of my life all along. Though sometimes I might feel desperate in making decisions. Typical of a south personality. Ha! Now I know why I take sometimes in deciding.
Now that I'm talking about feeling lucky. I have experiencing fortune in my life. I have been given chances to make my dreams come true. I always wanted to live in a better world. Recently I find out that it is possible through friendship (got it from CISV). But before making my dreams come true, I was in dilemma. Taking this chances could possibly mean sacrifices. I don't feel ready for that. Been planning for few trips, and I will have to skip them to reach my dreams.
I am grateful for everything. God always gives me good paths. He introduced me to many good people. People who could only be angels to make my dreams come true. In my low times of dilemma, God has shown me who my true friends really are, family who truly love me and true mentors.
I could have lost my friendship with these two girls, my power puff best friends. I made Bubbles join this trip to Jogja long before I know that I would be given this chances to Sweden. This is one of my dilemma. If I decided to go, then I will have to skip my schedule with my friends. Coz in that particular dates, I have a National training. Oh, what a coinsidence. As a true South person, I don't want to sacrifice anything (if possible). But ofcourse, it is impossible. I feel like a betrayer. I forced my friend to go, but now I'm the one who can make it happen. What makes me feel very lucky is this: instead of being mad, they assured me to take my chances. Coz they think that is what's best for me. We could plan another trip and sure it would be so much fun. I am grateful.
I want to say thank you for all of YOU who has made me make my decision. My FRIENDS, my bosses, my Mom & family, my Pappoo, and everyone. Thank you for having faiths in me. I am opening my eyes to the world. I am truthfuly grateful for many supports, guidances, and giving me freedom to make choices. I am very lucky to have known you.
And now I'm hoping that everything will be alright. I know this is not going to be easy or smooth, but I can make my very best effort to make things work. Oh, God please help me.
many thank yous,