July 28, 2008

Trash talking people...

Back again. And today I feel like trash talking people. Don't judge me first. Ha! Coz what I'm trying to say is, why we like to trash talking people, especially those who are much better than us. Hahaha.

Trash talking. What do you know about it? All I know about trash talking people (that is better than us) is no other than to make us feel better. Ha! Biasalah, namanya manusia. Kalo ngga ngomongin orang, kayaknya kurang afdol. Hahaha. Iya ngga sih? Apa yang gue rasa yah emang gitu. Ngga mo munafik lah, gue juga suka koq ngomongin orang untuk membuat gue merasa lebih baik, feels good about yourself, boost your self confidence. Kadang trash talking itu bisa bikin gue terhibur. Wekeke. Although gue tau itu sama sekali bukan hal yang patut dibanggakan. Tapi, apa boleh buat?! 

Hmmm,,,trash talking people to feel good. Is that a sin? What do you think? It's strange. A rude thing but it feels good. Asal ngga sering-sering dan ngga keterlaluan aja. Hahaha! But I'm trying my best not to trash talk people. And to be honest, it is hard. Namanya juga usaha, ya ngga ada yang gampang. Kayak lo mo berenti ngerokok, tapi banyak banget godaannya. Soalnya (kata orang-orang) ngerokok itu bisa ngeringanin beban lo. Enak banget kayaknya. Mungkin sama kali ya sama trash talking people. Hahahahaha. Sadis amat sehhh...

betewe (by the way), hari ini gue agak lowong di kantor. Jadi bisa nyari-nyari lirik lagu yang pengen gue nyanyiin. Seneng dehhh...Jadi bisa nyanyi-nyanyi di kantor. Wakaka. Jadi ngga enak mengganggu yang lain dengan suara ini. Huehue. Gara-gara nyari lirik lagu, jadi kepengen karaoke gitu. Tadi gue udah ngajakin temen-temen gue buat karaoke-an. Walopun blum tau kapan. Hahaha. Jadi mauuuuuu...!!! 

Lagi nonton OB nih...Gilaaaaa, menghibur banget yahhhh...Udah ahhh, mo nonton OB dulu. Trus mo trash talking people deh! (huehuehue...JUST KIDDING)


July 23, 2008

liat apa sih?

Sebenernya agak males juga sih nge-post. Abis mata gue lagi bintitan,,,hwauhuhuhwuaw,,,yang gue bingung, kenapa bisa begitu??? Ada yang tau? Sebenernya bintitan itu karena apa sih? Masa ngintipin orang?? Soalnya gue tidak merasa ngintipin orang tuh,,,(tidak merasa atau tidak mau merasa?!?!?) hahahaha...entahlah! Tapi emang ngga koq (atau gue emang ngga tau koq) ahhhh, ribet.

Aside of that, It was a pretty busy days. But to be honest, I kind of like it. It's nice though. Back to the topic, my eye is getting better. Last night I took some medicine (I took Ibu Inggil's advise to use it to my eye) and it worked! Yayyyy, tapi sempet serem sih, secara kan itu kayak ada jerawat gitu yah di dalem mata, dan kayak jerawat pula tadi kayak pecah gitu. Huehuehueh,,,serem ngga sih. Yang berdarah pula. Hyuhhh,,,udah ah, jadi ngeri sayaaa.

And today I had lunch with Bede, also a new comer just like me. But she's an AE. A nice one. Since we're both graduated from Santa Ursula, but she's the alumni of Jalan Pos. Udah gitu, sama2 lulusan Bahasa pula, cuma beda angkatan lha. Bede lebih tua...hahahahahha...dannnnn dia lulusan Fikom UNPAD, dan dulu gue sempet mau masuk Unpad juga. Udah diterima, tapi akhirnya ngga gue amibil gara2 UPH udah mulai belajar duluan, jadi agak males kalo mo pindah2 lagi,,,hahahaha,,,duhhhh, jadi merasa ada chemistry gitu...gara2 background yang nyerempet2,,,heuheuhe...Ngga penting ya?? (bodo ahhhh!)

Duhhhh...sepi nih di rumah. Secara si mama dan adikkuh tersayang hari ini berangkat duluan ke KL (going to attend my sister's convocation on Saturday) Me and dad are going on Friday. -SIGH- trus gue pulang ke rumah juga ngga ada orang. Coz my dad is somewhere watching The Dark Knight (which I think is so very cool!) dan ngga ngajak2 pula gara2 gue udah nonton. Hahahaha (jadi bukan salah papa juga donggg) hehe

Yaudah deh. I want to take my shower first. Dari tadi pulang belum sempet mandi gitu. Wakakakakaw,,,


July 20, 2008

a hero for the day?

hey! I'm on a grumpy mode at the moment. hehe!

overall today is going pretty well, I had a chance to watch two movies today. It was wanted (cool) and dark knight (which is also cool, but one level higher from wanted). I like Batman better. Was in super cool mode until I have to satisfy one mommy's little girl who is hungry. I have to look for a toasted bread for her night meal. I'm sorry for being such an a**hole here, but I'm fed up of being the superhero here. Of course unlike superheroes such as Batman, spidey, or any other superheroes you might now. I'm talking more to a heroic sister and as a daughter in the family. I don't mean to be cruel or what. I'm really kind of tired of all this. -SIGH-

Do you really want to be a superhero in your own family? Being dependable -well, I like being dependable- but sometimes, I feel like I'm tired of doing all the good stuff. To be honest I love being a good dependable  daughter, but it's kinda tiring. Sometimes, I wish I could be the bad girl. The one that everybody is going to say YES to what I want. Like she is now (and I think she will always have this special treatment) "What I want is what I MUST get!!" No one has the right to say NO! No! It's a big No NO!! Oh, Life is going to be so perfect, isn't it??

Oh no! I'm a total disaster. Why can't I be better? I'm whining about all this. I can only do this to lighten up my heavy thoughts. I think I can be more relieved writing down all my anger (or disappointment is the suitable word for my mixed feeling right now) why why why does it always me?????? 

I think I should stop writing it down. For the wrap up, I'm tired of being the good one but maybe I'm too scared to let my family's (esp. my mom) feeling down. I'm too scared to let them down just because of my temporary ego. It's sucks you know!!!!

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...am I good enough??


July 18, 2008

something new


Today I got nothing to do until lunch time, but then hey! It's my first offline with RAS and RP,,huehuehue,, At least I had a new experience today! Well, it's exciting and I'll be back for recording VO on Monday afternoon. I'm going to come home late again. Ha! But it's okay.

Another homework is given today. I gotta make a Haiku for the same theme as previous. Sometimes it's fun to play with words, but when it comes to dead end, I feel like I'm going to puke. Hahaha. But, it's okay. I am learning and I'll never stop learning. I like writing, I like reading and listening. I will be definitely fine. or else I think so.

I come home late, but nobody is at home. Mom is going to DS with my sister and brother. So, I'm going to waste my time now waiting for them. 

What's my future gonna be? 
What I like?
Am I going to have a happy family?

There are a lot of things happen in this life and we can only predict what our future is going to be like. Or any of you think that we hold our own future? Well, I think as a human, we can only do our best to make our future bright. I believe that a greater power do exist in this life. Either you say it's God (like what I believed in along this time) or whatever you believe it could be. Our future is still blur. But what about fortune teller? Do you believe in them? I don't think it's a way out (or should I say a short cut) to know about your future. Why not live you life just the way it is and fight to have a good life? Why most people don't like to work hard for their future? All they want is an instant glamorous life with less effort? Oh Gosh, life's suck! errr,,,maybe what's best to say is those kind of people suck! Sorry for being sarcastic, but I do think that it's a bit unfair to see life that way. Many small people are getting poorer while the rich is getting richer everyday. How would you describe it best about that? If it wasn't the word world suck!

Why am I again talking about these things?? (ahhh ya! I'm wasting my time waiting for my family to come home,,,,)

Now I think I'm going to take a shower. Coz I haven't have one since morning and I feel so dirty and dusty. I have an oily skin face at the time. Hahaha!


July 15, 2008

What your heart says?

Seringkali kita bertindak sesuai dengan emosi kita. Bener gitu? Sering kali sih gue begitu. Tanpa pikir panjang, yang ada di depan mata ya udah dijalanin.

Kayak tadi pagi, gue bertemu mobil bodoh yang hampir aja bikin gue celaka. Huff, ngga banget deh. Rasanya tuh orang nyetirnya ngga pikir panjang kali ya. Kalo gue ngga sigap, yang ada gue udah ngga jelas lagi ada di mana sekarang. Nyebelin!! Otaknya dimana sih tuh manusia?? Avanza silver bego!!! Mikir dong ahhh!!! Uhhhh!!! Ya, maksud gue, kalo nyetir itu liat-liat kaca spion kali. Itu spion ditaro di situ buat dimanfaatin. Percuma aja kalo dia cuma ngikutin nalarnya doang, iya kalo feelingnya bagus, kalo tuh orang feelingnya kacau? Yang ada kan malah ngebahayain orang-orang di sekitarnya. Iya ga sih? Bikin kesel deh pokoknya, udah beberapa kali pagi tadi gue kesel sama orang-orang di jalanan. Huwaaaaa.

Mmmmm,,,bingung ahhh. 

Ikuti kata hati lo? Tapi dari mana lo tau itu bener atau ngga? Menurut lo?


July 08, 2008

a love thing

Researching my previous home work about L.O.V.E, I find it pretty interesting how people commenting on how they look at love.

I made this a topic and in short time, people started to comment on the topic. Most of the people are not agree with the statement I issued in the topic. The statement was "CINTA ITU NGGA PENTING". I posted this topic through a mailing list, text message, and messenger. It's so peculiar how people are interested in common things like this. Well, it might be common, but personally I think it's a crucial things in life. Don't you agree? 

Cinta itu datang dan pergi. Yang abadi mungkin cuma cinta dari orang tua yang ngga bersyarat (tapi anak2nya jarang bisa ngertiin ini - and I am one of those kids - dan malah nganggep ortunya bawel...sigh! jadi curhat gini sih) dan cinta dari Yang Di Atas sendiri. Iya ga sih? Kalo yang lain kayaknya masih bisa di bull shit-in gitu. Hahaha. Ini sih opini gue pribadi. Kan orang bisa berpandangan berbeda. Hoho.

Ya, terserahlah orang mau ngomong apa tentang cinta, ngga bayar koq. Lagian, apa yang udah lo percaya, jangan sampe mengubah pandangan lo tentang cinta. Coz what comes from the heart, that's the best. (atau begitulah teorinya...hihihihi)


July 07, 2008

first homework

July, 7th 2008

It's Monday, and people tend to think that Monday suck! Ya? I don't know, you decide!

Today I got a home work from Rangga, it's about love and hey guess what, for those who adore love in life, this is just the opposite of it. My first home work theme is "Cinta Itu Ngga Penting". I feel tremendously desperate. Not that I can't afford to do my homework, but I am the type of person who adore love itself in anyway. I believe that love can save us all from falling. But now, I have to put myself in position that I'm not a love kinda girl type. Ha!

Huwahhhh,,,I gotta go now, I gotta grab my lunch, coz I have to go out after lunch break. Hehe!


July 06, 2008

a sugarless sunday

It's not quite the sunday I love most or at least how I want to spend my Sunday. It is less tasty coz I barely can feel it is Sunday, a day where we should be able to relax and have fun and so on, just like what they say it should be. 

absurd. It's what I rather think I'm feeling right now. This Sunday - like many other Sunday (lately) I went to St. Thomas high school to held a sport event, celebrating my church's 60th anniversary. It has been more or less a month now I guess. I kinda feel bored today. (yawn)

I excused myself to go home a little bit earlier coz I have to go to Jakarta with my family, my sister (Poppy) was back in town yesterday. Yeay, I might have a lot of arguing with her - coz that's what is usually happen when she's around. Ha! But hey, that's the true art from us. LOL!

I don't feel okay right now. I feel like having a flu and I might have a fever then. Arghhh! Sucks! I'm so not into this kind of feeling. It's killing my enthusiasm in doing things. Hiks. I want sushi! Hehe. I think I should take a rest now. There's no one at home right now. Dad's not back yet from Bandung and the rest of the family are going out together. I should grab this chance to sleep, well at least for like an hour or two. Hehe.

I'll see you around when I don't slip away from my thoughts.


July 04, 2008

my first PPM,,,

Still the same day, today. And it's only lunch time now.

I was nervous. Haha. It was my first PPM ever! At first I don't even know what PPM stands for. Haha! But, I get it now. Was fun in there. Maybe fun coz I haven't have to do my part yet. I hope it will always be fun.

Oh ya! I want to say Happy Birthday to a friend. Hoping that he will always be a great man for everyone. Cepat tambatkan hatimu pada seseorang. Jangan gampang jatuh ke dalam permainan cinta. Inget umur, udah tua, cepet nyebar undangan ya, Bro! Hehe. No offense okay?!?! Wishing you all the best things in your every steps.

I guess that's all for now. I need to get my thoughts back to reality now.



a simple good morning from the office

Hello, people.

I assume that this is my first blog here, today, this morning, from the new office. Yesterday was my first day and it was kinda confusing. but today, I manage myself to make conversations with people around me. It's fun to have a confidence to make a new impression. 

Masih kosong di kantor. Tadi waktu dateng, baru ada Bayu - yang ternyata tinggal di daerah BSD, which is pretty near from where I live, dan ada Mbak Jo - yang ternyata dulunya tomboi,,,wekekeke

I was wondering if I can go through this pretty much easily to adapt myself in this new community and environment. Reading, listening, watching is gonna be my priority to learn and learn. (it's a repetition to remind me that I will always have to study along my way to success)

Well then, it's a start. There will always be another start for another challenges. Therefor, we are not going to stop and feel satisfied for what we have now. Coz life is rolling and it's our job to always adapt ourselves to changes.

I am hoping for a miracle to change the world.